

Huber Family
Leonharderstr. 26
I - 39042 Brixen - South Tyrol
Tel +39 0472 694012
E-Mail: [email protected] Srl
Via Mercato Vecchio 28/b
39042 Bressanone
Partita IVA: IT01500190226
PEC: [email protected]
Recipient code: A4RZ960

CIN: IT021011A1AE4737IT


Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council 
Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission:

This website is a creation of Bagasch - Atelier für Reklame

Concept | coordination | text

Bagasch - Atelier für Reklame

Kirchgasse 4
39032 Campo Tures - South Tyrol
+39 347 250 68 51
[email protected] -

Webdesign | programming

hantha - Web Agency Typo3
Dick 48/B - 39058 Sarntal
South Tyrol - Italy

Corporate Identity

Studio DIA


  • BP. Benno Prenn Photography
  • Associazione turistica Bressanone:  Helmut Moling, Alex Filz, Manuel Kottersteger, Santifaller Photography, Pierluigi Orler, Hannes Niederkofler, Othmar Seehauser, Matthias Gasser
  • Associazione turistica Chiusa
  • Hotelfotografen

My Arbor

New. Exciting. Stimulating.
I love getting mail.
Especially from the My Arbor.

Forest secrets
My Arbor stories

Young woman while relaxing in the forest
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